Well it's about time I update this blog. . . I guess this is the beginning of another long journey. You guessed it! I'm running with team in training again. This season is a little different than last . . . actually a lot different. Not only have I chosen a much more challenging endurance event, I found out one of my best friend's father from work was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a slow growing cancer in which the bone marrow- the soft, spongy tissue in the center of bones- makes too many white blood cells. Although normal white blood cells help the body fight infection and disease, leukemia cells look different than normal blood cells and do not function correctly. Large numbers of leukemia cells also interfere with other blood cells, usually red blood cells and platelets.
I really can't imagine going through a battle with cancer, but I can tell you one thing. . . I am going to do all I can to help fight it!!! I am dedicating this marathon to my dear friend's father, Steven Anderson. I don't know if you will ever read this, but I know you can overcome this battle! I think most of us have been affected by cancer whether it be a family member, friend, co-worker, or someone you have met along the way. I use to think that one person couldn't really do much until recently. There are 2 honorees (maybe 3) on our team of about 20ish this season. How inspiring! They constantly remind us each week that with TNT's help, they were able to find a cure for their cancers. So I'm gonna keep on running & fundraising!
I have been training for my second marathon for about a month now and let me tell you, running trails is pretty hard. Trails are usually always rolling hills from what I have learned. I find myself walking up most of the hills. :) Mama Lisa, our main coach, tells us "I can't stress enough, WALK THE HILLS!" And I definitely have no problem listening to that one. She is an amazing woman. She is such an accomplished runner. Mama Lisa has not only completed several Ultra marathons (usually 50-100 miles distance . . . mine is baby - 31.07 mi. - compared to what she has accomplished), but she has been in Runner's World magazine! How cool is that? Ok most of you probably don't care, but I find it really inspiring. Seeing a woman in her 60s pass me up on vigorous trails gives me the confidence that I can really accomplish anything I put my mind to no matter how hard it is. I listen and take every piece of advice she has to offer during my training.
Our first week of training, we ran at Lake Chabot, Castro Valley (our actual starting point for the 50K Skyline Marathon). My only expectations for this marathon training was that it would be a little harder with hills but it wouldn't be too hard since we'd start out slow, right? Eh wrong. . . we ran about 10 miles our first Saturday. Ah &#$%*! I hadn't been running since um October 18th (Nike Marathon), so I definitely felt it afterwards. The following week I missed to nurse my chest cold. I learned that I didn't miss much because week 3 was exactly the same course. One of my favorite parts about running with the team is our courses. Week 3 was stationed in Mill Valley. It is about 15-20 minutes from Corte Madera. We basically ran the cliffs of Stinson Beach. If you haven't explored Stinson Beach, you are missing out. It was definitely the most challenging run I have done to date, but also one of the most rewarding.

What come up, must come down!
Shea bought me this great bright pink lightweight endurance jacket that I love to run with. I think others like it too cause they can see me and they know they are running in the right direction. It's perfect! It keeps me dry, warm, and it's not too hot to run in. It was the perfect valentine's gift. LOL. Week 4, we ran in Orinda at Inspiration Point. The last time I ran here, I hated it . . . nothing inspiring. However, this time around, I loved it. It probably helped to have my running buddy, Leilani, back with me.
Last week, we ran in Redwood Regional Park in Oakland. It was on the Skyline and at about mile 14 of our future 50K course. Once again, it was another beautiful trail. Quite muddy though after all of the rains. I think we are up to 2 1/2 hours on our feet. One of the main differences with training for this ultra is that we run by time on our feet, not just mileage. You find that running hills will take you much longer per mile than running on flat surfaces.

and one last thing...
Until next time,
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